Vdes djali i plagosur ne Shkodër - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 1

Ndërron jete ne Spitalin e Shkodres 19 vjeçari Jurgen Marku qe mbeti i plagosur rende pas ekzekutimit qe ju be te atit te tij Frederik Marku te enjten. Por duket se hakmarrja ndaj babe e bir nuk është ndalur me kaq, pasi ne orët e para te mëngjesit te se shtunës shtëpisë se tyre te pushimit ne Theth është vene flaka. Zjarri qe ka përfshire shtëpinë alpine prej druri ka djegur edhe makinën e familjes Marku.
Ne atë moment asnjë person i familjes nuk ka qene ne banese, pasi varrosnin 45-vjeçarin. Prej disa ditësh viktima se bashku me familjen po bënte pushimet ne Theth, aty ku ka ndodhur edhe konflikti me autoret e dyshuar te vrasjes. Policia dyshon se behet fjale për 5 persona qe kane ngacmuar vajzën e viktimës, gjë qe ka çuar ne debat mes palëve. Sherri ka përfunduar ne polici ku te rinjtë kane denoncuar babe e bir për kërcenim me jete, por pas pyetjes ata kane dëshmuar se ka ndodhur e kundërta. Duket se kjo nuk është pritur mire nga grupi i te rinjve qe ju kane zëne prite ne afërsi te spitalit te Shkodres ku edhe i qëlluan me pistolete. Deri tani policia ka kapur vetëm një prej tyre 25-vjeçarin Leonard Nikaj nga fshati Theth.

Changes in the life of Shkodra Hospital 19-year-old Jurgen Mark who was seriously injured after the execution that you became his father Frederik Mark on Thursday. But it seems that revenge against the father and son is not stopping with that, because in the early hours of Saturday morning on their holiday home in Thethi is set on fire. Fire involving alpine wooden house has burned Marku family car.
In that moment, no person of the family has been in the house, after burying 45-year-old. For several days the victim together with family was making holiday we Theth, where the conflict happened with the authors of suspected murder. Police suspect that it is about 5 people who have harassed the victim's daughter, which has led to a debate between the parties. Sherri has completed the police where young persons have denounced babe and son to death threats, but then the question they have shown that the opposite happened. It seems that this is not well received by the youth group that you have ambushed near Shkodra Hospital where shot with the pistol. So far police have caught only one of their 25-year-old Leonard Nikaj village Theth.