Po ktheheshin ne tradite, por këtë vere munguan! Është fjala për panairet e librit qe organizoheshin ne qytetet bregdetare, kryesisht ne Vlore e me pas edhe ne Sarande, apo panairin e Ulqinit.
Mungesa e fondeve nga njëra ane, por edhe mos organizimi bene qe ky lloj aktiviteti veror, nder te paktën kulturor te sezonit, te pushonte se ekzistuari. Per Arlinda Dudajn, mungesa e këtij eventi qe e afronte pushuesin me librin ka ndikuar negativisht. Por, një tjetër opinion ka kryetari i shoqatës se botuesve, Petrit Ymeri. Për te, panairet e librit ne vere nuk duhet te organizohen me nga botuesit. Ai shprehet se ky lloj aktiviteti duhet te realizohet nga libraret, si me te përshtatshmit për qëllimin qe kane panairet e verës. Nga ana tjeter, duket se i vetmi panair libri kete vit do te jete ai i Tiranes. Ne edicionin e tij te 15-te, si dhe pjese e festimeve te 100-vjetorit te pavarësisë, panairi sipas organizatoreve do te jete me gjithëpërfshirës se zakonisht.
But back in the tradition, but this summer missed! It comes to book fairs organized in the coastal cities, mainly in Vlore and then also in Saranda, or Ulcinj fair.
Lack of funds on the one hand, but not the organization made ??that this type of summer activity, at least cultural honor of the season, to cease to exist. Arlinda Dudaj, the absence of this event was approaching vacationers book has impacted negatively. But another opinion is chairman of the Publishers Association, Petrit Ymeri. For him, in the summer book fairs should be organized not by publishers. He says that this kind of activity should be carried out from the library, as the most suitable for the purpose you have wine fairs. On the other hand, it seems that the only book fair this year will be one of Tirana. In its 15th edition, as well as part of the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of independence, according to fair organizers will be more comprehensive than usual.