Lamtumira për Safo Markon - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 4

Me një ceremoni krejt modeste, pothuajse te ngjashme me jetën e saj, është përcjellë për ne banesën e fundit, piktorja Safo Marko. Bashkëshortja e shkrimtarit Petro Marko, u nda nga jeta ne moshën 87 vjeçare, pas një sëmundje te rende. Ne banesën e saj, u mblodhën këtë te hëne pak familjare e miq. Asnjë lajmërim për vdekjen, asnjë dreke post mortore, si amanet qe vete Safo kishte kërkuar.
Nga ana tjetër, piktores nuk iu be asnjë homazh zyrtar nga institucionet e shtetrore, te cilet nuk ishin te pranishem as me kurorat e luleve, perjashto Bashkine e Tiranes. Ne fakt, Safo Marko jetonte pothuajse ne mjerim. Kritikja e artit dhe mikja e familjes Marko, Suzana Varvarica e kujton keshtu thirrjen qe ajo beri para disa vitesh per bamiresi. Por cfare i dha Safo Marko artit shqiptar? Per Varvaricen, me shume sesa pikturat, te cilat jane edhe pjese e koleksionit te Galerise Kombetare, Safo ido te kujtohet si nje nder ilustratoret me te njohura per botimet letrare dhe ato akademike para viteve '90. Pas shume vitesh heshtje artistike, ekspozita e fundit qe Safo Marko çeli me disa nga krijimet e saj te panjohura ishte ne vitin 2008.

In a ceremony quite modest, almost like her life, it is forwarded to us last apartment, SAFO painter Marko. Petro Marko writer wife, passed away at the age of 87, after a serious illness. In her apartment, gathered this Monday a few family and friends. No death notice, no post funeral luncheon, trust SAFO himself had requested.
On the other hand, the painter was not made any formal homage from state institutions, which were not present as with wreaths of flowers, excluding the municipality of Tirana. In fact, SAFO Marko lived almost in misery. Art critic and friend of the family Marko, Suzana Varvarica remembers so call that she made several years ago for charity. But what gave SAFO Marko Albanian art? For Varvaricen, more than paintings, which are also part of the collection of the National Gallery, SAFO loveth be remembered as one of the most famous illustrator for literary and academic publications before '90. After many years of artistic silence, recent exhibitions that SAFO Marko opened with some of her creations was unknown in 2008