Prishet ndërtimi pa leje - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 4

Prishjet e ndërtimeve pa leje ne zonën e Kamzes janë shoqëruar këtë te premte me incidente. Pas një aksioni disa ditor policia bashkiake ka nisur shembjen e ndërtesës se familjes Bori. Ndërtimi ishte dykatësh dhe po vijonte te ngrihej kati i trete. Por gjate aksionit policor banoret Gent dhe Agron Bori janë konfliktuar me punonjësit e me pas janë dërguar me urgjence ne spital. Sipas fqinjëve te tyre, ka qene një nga punonjësit e policisë bashkiake qe ka ushtruar dhune ndaj pronareve te ndërtesës, te cilët pretendonin se ajo ishte me leje. Ndërsa bashkia e Kamzes përmes një deklarate për mediat pohon se pronaret ishin njoftuar me pare për shembjen e ndërtimeve pa leje. Deri tani ne këtë zone janë prishur rreth 80 objekte pa dokumentacion te rregullt.

The demolition of illegal buildings in the area are associated Kamzes This Friday the incident. After a few days municipal police action has begun demolition of the building that loyal family. Two-storied building was raised and I was attending the third floor. But during the police action and Agron Gent residents are loyal employees konfliktuar and then are sent to the emergency hospital. According to their neighbors, was one of the municipal police officers who used violence against the building owners, who claimed that she was on leave. While Hall Kamzes a statement to the media claims that the owners were first notified about the demolition of illegal constructions. So far in this area are about 80 buildings demolished without legal papers.