Cigare kontrabande ne Durrës - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 4

Bllokohet ne Durrës një kontejner me cigare kontrabande i ardhur nga Kina. Gjate kontrollit, punonjësit e doganës dhe anti kontrabandës kane gjetur 700 koli me cigare qe kapin vlerën e 1.4 milion eurove. Ato ishin fshehur ne brendësi te paketimit qe kishte dyer dhe dritare te sjella nga Kina, duke iu shmangur detyrimeve doganore prej 40 milion lekesh te rinj. Drejtori i Përgjithshëm i Doganave, Flamur Gjymyshka thotë se operacioni është kryer ne bashkëpunim me strukturat e tjera, pas informacioneve te marra ne rruge operative. Cigaret kontrabande te markave te ndryshme ishin prodhim kinez dhe si destinacion kishin tregun shqiptar. Se bashku me kontejnerin qe transportonte cigaret është bere i mundur edhe ndalimi i personit qe shoqëronte mallin, por emri i tij nuk behet i ditur për arsye hetimi.

Durres lock in a container of contraband cigarettes come from China. During a search, customs officers and anti-smuggling have found 700 packages of cigarettes that capture the value of 1.4 million euros. They were hidden inside the packaging that had doors and windows brought from China, avoiding customs duties of 40 million new lek. Director General of Customs, Gjymyshka Flag says the operation is conducted in collaboration with other structures, following information received in the operating route. Contraband cigarettes of various brands were Chinese manufacturing and destination were the Albanian market. Together with container carrying cigarettes is made ??possible prohibition of the person accompanying the goods, but his name is not disclosed for reasons of investigation.