Shefi i mazhorances Berisha ka ftuar opozitën te ndale sulmet ndaj investitorëve ndërsa u shpreh i hapur per te lejuar çdo lloj kontrolli ndaj vendimeve te këshillit te ministrave. Ne mbledhjen e qeverise Berisha pranoi faktin se kriza ekonomike botërore do te jete afatgjate, ndaj te gjitha ministritë duhet te marrin masa për te mos lejuar rritjen e numrit te te papunëve. Pas deklaratës se kryeministrit ka ardhur reagimi i liderit te opozites Edi Rama. Ne rrjetin social Twitter Rama është shprehur se opozita nuk është kundër investimeve por kundër grabitjeve te pasurive publike me vendim qeverie. Rama ka beret e ditur se opozita do te kërkoj transparence totale për çdo investim qe kane kryer klientët e qeverise.
Head of the majority Berisha invited the opposition to halt attacks on investors and said he was open to allow any sort of control over decisions of the Council of Ministers. We collect the Berisha government acknowledged that the global economic crisis will be long term, to all ministries must take measures to prevent increasing numbers of unemployed. After the declaration of the Prime Minister has been the reaction of the opposition leader Edi Rama. The social network Twitter Rama said that the opposition is not against investment but against looting of public assets by government decision. Rama has been acknowledged that the opposition will require total transparency for any investment they have committed government clients.