Berisha per 100 vjetor: "Te ndryshohet historia" - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Kryeministri Berisha i eshte rikthyer per te disaten here deklarates mbi ndryshimin e historise.
Ne mbledhjen e komitetit per 100 vjetorin e pavaresise, Berisha u shpreh se historianet duhet te rishkruajne kapitullin e luftes nacionalçlirimtare, per te pranuar se ajo ishte nje lufte vellavrasese. Krahas kesaj, sipas kreut te qeverise, Britania e Madhe ishte ajo qe organizoi dhe financoi rezistencen partizane. Pervecse kerkoi qe te vleresohen personazhet e huaj qe ndikuan ne shpalljen e Pavaresise, kryeministri u shpreh se nderim duhet te kete edhe per Don Nikoll Kacorin dhe emri i tij ti vendoset nje rruge. Por, Berisha nuk shprehu te njejtin vleresim per Qemal Stafen, emrin e te cilit mbajne nje sere institucionesh arsimore apo sportive. Por pavaresisht deklaratave per rishkrim historie, ajo cka pritet nga komiteti i 100 vjetorit eshte ende miratimi i nje sere ëeshtjesh, mes te cilave edhe axhenda zyrtare e aktiviteteve.

We collect the committee for the 100th anniversary of independence, Berisha said that historians have to rewrite the chapter of the national liberation struggle, to accept that it was a fratricidal war. Besides, according to the head of government, Britain was she who organized and financed the partisan resistance. Despite being asked to assess foreign characters that influenced the declaration of Independence, the Prime Minister said that the honor should be the same for Don Nicholl Kacorin and placed his name to a street. But Berisha expressed the same appreciation for Stafen Kemal, whose name contain a variety of educational and sports institutions. But despite statements to rewrite history, what is expected from the 100 th anniversary committee approval is still a number of issues, among which is the official agenda of activities.