Rektori i universitetit te Elbasanit ka pezulluar nga detyra pedagogun e arrestuar pak dite me pare për marrje ryshfeti. Rektori liman varoshi ka veguar duke dënuar veprimin e pedagogut. Sipas tij edhe pse drejtësia nuk e ka dhëne fjalën e saj, lidhur me fajësinë ose jo te tij, rektorati e ka pezulluar nga detyra, pasi ai ka dëmtuar moralin e universitetit. Rektori varoshi u shpreh se ka kerkuar edhe ndihmën e studenteve te cilët duke ruajtura anonimatin te denoncojnë raste te tilla mitmarrjeje. Pedagogu i matematikes Pellumb Kllogjeri u arrestua nga policia pasi kërkonte 10 mije leke deri ne 100 euro, ne këmbim te një note kaluese ne lenden e tij. Ne cilësinë e provës materiale atij ju sekuestruan një sasi parash prej 70 mije leke te reja ne zyrën tij te ndara ne zarfe me nga 10 mije leke secili. Sipas policisë pjese e hetimeve janë edhe anëtare te tjerë te këtij universiteti.
Rector of the University of Elbasan pedagogue suspended from duty arrested a few days ago for taking bribes. Rector Harbor Varoshi has veguar condemning the action of the readership. According to him, even though justice has not given its word regarding his guilt or not, rector has suspended from duty after he has damaged the morale of the university. Varoshi Rector said that he has requested the help of students who report to preserving the anonymity of such bribery cases. Instructor of mathematics Pellumb Kllogjeri was arrested by police after the required 10 thousand lek up to 100 euros, in exchange for a passing grade in his subject matter. We test the quality of materials that you seized a quantity of money of 70 thousand new leks in his office in separate envelopes with the 10 thousand lek each. According to police investigations are part of other members of the university.