Hiqen pagat e referencës - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Pese vjet nga aplikimi, qeveria është tërhequr nga pagat e referencës ne sektorin privat. Biznesi pohon se kjo mase shërbeu ne thellimin e konflikteve mes kompanive dhe administratës tatimore, ndaj anulimi i tij është një vendim i vonuar. Por vendimi i qeverise le te papërcaktuar kohen se kur do te hyje ne fuqi. Për Sekretarin e Programit ne PS, Ilir Beqja, pagat e referencës nuk po japin me efektet e pritura. 5 vjet me pare qeveria vendosi paga reference ne sektorin privat, me qellim reduktimin e informalitetit ne pagesën e sigurimeve shoqërore. Ne vitin 2007, kohe kur u mor ky vendim, tatimi mbi te ardhurat pësoi një rritje me afro 70% me shume se një vit me pare. Pas këtyre viteve, tregu i punës nuk duket te jete i formalizuar, por heqja e referencave lehtëson biznesin ne këtë kohe krize.

Five years from the application, the government has withdrawn from the reference wage in the private sector. Business claims that this measure served to deepen the conflict between companies and tax administration, to its cancellation is a delayed decision. But the government's decision to let undetermined time when it will come into force. For the SP Programme Secretary, Ilir Beqja, wages of reference do not give the expected effect. 5 years ago the government decided reference wage in the private sector, in order to reduce informal social insurance payment. In 2007, the time when this decision was made, income taxes rose by nearly 70% more than a year ago. After these years, the labor market does not seem to be formalized, but the removal of references to facilitate business in this time of crisis.