Bojaxhi kundër modelit te PD - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 1

Gjergj Bojaxhi ka lëshuar kritika te forta ndaj qeverisjes aktuale. Ne emisionin "Intervista" anëtari i PD ka sqaruar se mënjanimi i tij nga partia ka ardhur për shkak te modeleve te ndryshme për qeverisjen, pasi sipas tij, gjate mandatit te dyte, qeveria Berisha ka ndjekur një model ne kundërshtim e interesat e Shqipërisë. Duke analizuar procesin e zgjedhjes se Presidentit, Bojaxhi ka deklaruar se një president i PD ishte konkluzioni logjik i ndryshimeve kushtetuese. Gjergj Bojaxhi ka sjelle edhe detaje nga ngjitja e majës me te larte te botes, Everesti. Duke sqaruar se ekspedita u ndërmor këtë vit ne nder te 100-vjetorit te Pavarësisë.

George House painter has issued strong criticism against the present government. We show "interview" a member of the DP explained that his removal from the party has come about due to various models for governance, for after his second term, the Berisha government has followed a pattern of violation of Albania's interests. By analyzing the process of choosing the President, Bojaxhi declared that a president of the DP was the logical conclusion of constitutional changes. George House painter has brought the details of climbing the highest peak in the world, Everest. Noting that the expedition was undertaken this year in honor of the 100th anniversary of Independence.

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