Pas viteve 90-të superliga shqiptare e futbollit u be strehe e shume lojtareve te huaj kryesisht braziliane te cilët preferoheshin për vete cilësinë qe ofronte vendi i Sambas. Por ne vitet e fundit ne listën e preferencave kane hyre futbollistet ballkanas kryesisht kroate dhe serbe te cilët u bene protagoniste te merkatos. Matko Xharmati nga Rijeka luan prej tre vitesh ne Shqipëri dhe praninë e shumte te bashkëkombësve te tij ne superlige e shpjegon me taksat e shumta qe u duhet te paguajnë futbollistet ne Kroaci. 30-vjeçari pasi luajti me Skënderbeun, Besën e Kastriotin, ne 6 muajt e fundit mbrojti ngjyrat e Dinamos e cila u përshëndet nga elita e me te mirëve. Me një shqipe te kuptueshme ai shpjegon problemet ne kampionatin shqiptar, mes te cilave nuk rendit racizmin. 51 lojtare te huaj e mbyllen kampionatin qe sapo kaloi te federuar pasi ne fillim te sezonit numri ishte me i madh. Bylisi kishte me shume lojtare te huaj 9 ndërsa Dinamo, Tirana dhe Tomori kishin vetëm një futbollist. Tete lojtare te huaj u aktivizuan me kampionet e sapo shpallur te Skënderbeut. Nga 14 skuadra te superliges, 4 prej tyre kishin trajner te huaj. Skënderbeu çekun Levi, Tirana spanjollin Rubio, Kamza italianin De Vekis dhe Bylis turko-kosovarin Naxhi Shensoi.
After 90-years of Albanian Superliga football became a refuge of many foreign players who mainly Brazilian favorite for yourself the quality that provide frequency and duration country. But in recent years we have entered the list of football players' preferences mainly Balkan and Croatian Serb who became protagonists transfer window. Matko Xharmati from Rijeka plays of three years in Albania and the presence of dozens of his fellow Superliga explains the numerous taxes they have to pay football players in Croatia. 30-year-old after Skanderbeg played with, the Besa Kastrioti, in the last 6 months defended the colors of Dinamo, which was welcomed by the elite of the righteous. With an understandable Albanian championships he explains Albanian problems, among which order not racism. 51 foreign players championship you just spent close to Federated after the beginning of the season the number was large. Byllis had more foreign players 9 and Dinamo Tirana and Tomori had just one player. Eight foreign players were activated with just samples revealed the Skanderbeg. From the Super 14 teams, 4 of them had a foreign coach. Skanderbeg check Levi, Tirana Spaniard Rubio, Kamza Italian General De Vekis and Turkish-Kosovar Bylis Naxhi Shensoi.