Zhduken procesverbalet e Bossit - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Thellohet me tej skandali i diplomës se Renzo Bossit djalit te Umberto Bossit ne Universitetin Kristal. Prokuroria shqiptare, e cila nisi menjëherë hetimet pas raportimit te rastit ne median e vendit fqinj po has ne një tjetër pengese, pasi ne sekretarinë e universitetit ne fjale janë zhdukur te 39 procesverbalet e provimeve te Bossit. Kjo ka bere qe hetuesit te marrin ne pyetje te gjithë pedagoget e lendeve ku pretendohet se riu ka dhënë provimet. Rasti, i cili mori përmasat e një skandali, u raportua fillimisht ne mediat italiane, ndërsa me pas ishte Prokuroria ne Tirane e cila nisi hetimet kryesisht. Aktualisht me çështjen po merret njësia task-force e Prokurorisë se Tiranes qe ka nisur fillimisht verifikimet e dokumentacionit. Paralelisht me te është ngritur edhe një grup pune nga Ministria e Arsimit. Përfundimi i hetimeve pritet te sjelle edhe masat qe do te merren ndaj këtij institucioni privat apo personave qe kane lidhje me ngjarjen.

Further deepen diploma scandal that son Renzo Bossi Umberto Bossi, University crystals. Albanian prosecutor, who launched an investigation immediately after reporting the case in the media in the neighboring country is facing another hurdle, as the secretary of the university in question are missing for 39 minutes Bossi exams. This has led investigators to question all the professors of subjects claiming that teen has given exams. Case, who assumed the scandal was first reported in the Italian media, and then was in Tirana Prosecutor launched an investigation which mainly. Currently the issue is handling task force unit of the Tirana Prosecution has begun background checks first. Is in parallel with a working group set up by the Ministry of Education. Completion of the investigation is expected to bring the measures to be taken against the private institution or persons related to the event.