Tadic e Nikolic ne balotazh - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 2

Kandidati i Partisë Demokratike serbe Boris Tadic dhe ai i Partisë Progresive serbe Tomislav Nikolic janë dy garuesit për president te cilët do te përballen ne votimin qe do te mbahet me 20 maj. Rezultatet zyrtare tregojnë se Tadic ka marre 26.6% te votave ndërsa Nikolic ka fituar 25.2%. Sipas mediave vendase presidenti aktual është me pranë marrjes se një mandati te trete presidencial. Sa i përket zgjedhjeve parlamentare, partia progresive serbe e Nikolic, deri me tani ka fituar 24.1% te votave ose 73 vende ne parlament duke u bere partia kryesore qe pritet te formoje qeverinë. Ne vend te dyte, sipas numrit te votave, ndodhet Partia Demokratike me 22.4% ose 68 vende ne Kuvend: vetëm vendi i trete për Partine Socialiste te Dacic qe ka marre 14.2%. Ndërkohë, rezultatet e para zyrtare vine edhe nga Lugina e Preshevës ku shihet një epërsi e madhe e partisë demokratike shqiptare e kryetarit aktual Ragmi Mustafa qe ka marre 6395 vota, gati dyfishin e partisë se dyte veprimi demokratik, me 3758 vota. Ne Bujanovc Partia Demokratike e ish-kryetarit te komunës Nagim Arifi ka fituar, duke lënë pas partine për veprim demokratik. Zgjedhjet janë mbajtur edhe ne komunat Zubin Potok e Zveçan, ne një proces te qete dhe te rregullt qe janë përshëndetur nga qeveria ne Prishtinë.

Serb Democratic Party candidate Boris Tadic and Serbian Progressive Party he Tomislav Nikolic are both contenders for president who will face the vote to be held on May 20. Official results show that Tadic received 26.6% of the vote, while Nikolic won 25.2%. According to local media at the current president is making a third presidential term. Regarding parliamentary elections, Nikolic Serbian Progressive Party, has so far won 24.1% of the votes or 73 seats in parliament becoming the main party is expected to form a government. In second place, according to the number of votes, the Democratic Party is 22.4% or 68 seats in parliament: only the third country to Dacic's Socialist Party which has received 14.2%. Meanwhile, the first official results drawn from the Presevo Valley, where there is an advantage of the Albanian Democratic Party and current mayor Mustafa Ragmi who received 6395 votes, almost double the second democratic action party, with 3758 votes. In Bujanovac Democratic Party of former Mayor Arifi Nagim won, leaving the party for democratic action. Elections were held in the municipalities of Zubin Potok, Zvecan, in a quiet process and rules have been welcomed by the government in Pristina.