Posta shqiptare vijon te sjelle paqartësi ne radhët e pensionisteve për grafiket e shpërndarjes se pensionit. Këtë te marte jashtë zyrave postare janë hequr listat emërore për marrjen e pagesës mujore, duke lënë vetëm ato me numrin rendor te librezës. Por përveç këtyre vështirësive te moshuarit ndihen te irrituar edhe nga deklarimet e kreut te postes qe i cilësoi ata njerëz me komplekse qe flasin negativisht për institucionin qe ai drejton. Posta e justifikoi kaosin e krijuar ne sportelet e saj me informatizimin e sistemit, por përveç grafikut te datave, duket se asgjë nuk ka ndryshuar për pensionistet. Edhe datat ne fakt për ta nuk janë ndonjë gjë e re pasi edhe deri me sot kishin dite te caktuara qe u referoheshin ne tërheqjen e pensionit. E vetmja gjë qe u arrit me grafiket e rinj ishte spostimi i datave ndonjëherë edhe me me shume se dy jave, gjë qe i ka futur ne vështirësi ekonomike te moshuarit.
Albanian Post continues to bring confusion in the ranks of pensioners to the pension distribution graphs. This Tuesday outside post offices have been removed registers for receiving the monthly payment, leaving only those with the card serial number. But apart from these difficulties, the elderly feel irritated by the heading of mail statements that they considered the most complex people who speak negatively about the institution he leads. Post justified the chaos created at its counters with the computerization of the system, but in addition the graph of dates, it seems that nothing has changed for retirees. And in fact it dates are not anything new because up to now were certain days that were referred to the withdrawal of pension. The only thing that was achieved with the new graphics were moving the dates, sometimes with more than two weeks, which was introduced in the economic difficulties of the elderly.