Si u kap vrasësi Viktor Gushi - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 7

Gjurma e lënë ne një qese te zeze qe agresori kishte marre për te grumbulluar paratë qe do te grabiste, si dhe kamerat e sigurisë jashtë bankës, te cilat e kane fokusuar ne momentin e largimit, kane qene dy nga provat qe e kane bindur policinë se autori i ngjarjes se rende është 44-vjeçari Viktor Gushi.
Dyshimet janë përforcuar edhe me tej pas një informacioni te marre ne rruge operative ne dy numrat qe policia kishte vene ne dispozicion te qytetareve. Kane qene katër oficere te shërbimit te kontrollit te brendshëm qe kane finalizuar operacionin, pasi kishin qëndruar për disa ore ne survejim te agresorit. Arrestimi është bere ne momentin kur Gushi qëndronte i ulur ne një lokal fare pranë banesës. Burimet pohojnë se ne momentin e arrestimit 44-vjeçari ka qene i armatosur, por nuk ka mundur te beje rezistence ndaj policisë. Por me i çuditshme për uniformat blu ka qene momenti pas arrestimit, ku vete i akuzuari ka nisur menjëherë te tregoje për serialin e grabitjeve te cilat e kishin fillesën qe ne vitin 2008 për te përfunduar pak dite me pare me vrasjen e arkëtares Leonora Kaloçi dhe plagosjen e rojës se bankës Skënder Elmazi. Ndonëse ka pohuar se gjithçka e kishte bere për mbijetese 44-vjeçari ka pohuar para hetuesve se qe pas divorcit ka qene sensibel ndaj kundërshtimit dhe sidomos te femrave. Gjate një konference për shtyp kreu i policisë se Tiranes, Benard Çaushaj, ka sqaruar se deri tani policia ka te dokumentuara 16 vepra penale te kryera ne Shqipëri, por mendohet se aktivitetin kriminal Gushi e ka zhvilluar edhe ne shtetin helen.

Traces left in a black bag that the aggressor was taken to collect money to be robbed, and security cameras outside the bank, which have focused on the moment of departure, have been two of the evidence that have convinced the police that event that the author is 44-year-old grave Victor Gushi.
Suspicions are further reinforced after a tip to get in the way operating on two numbers that the police had made ??available to citizens. Have been four service officers of internal control that have finalized the operation, after having spent several hours surveillance of the aggressor. The arrest was made when we stood Gushi sitting in a bar right next to the apartment. Sources say that at the time of arrest 44-year-old was armed, but was unable to make resistance against police. But with the strange blue uniforms after the arrest was the moment where the accused has himself initiated immediately to show the series of robberies which had its origin in 2008 to finish a few days ago with killing and wounding Kaloçi Leonora arkëtares Skender bank guard that Elmazi. Although claimed that everything he had done for surviving 44-year-old has claimed to investigators that it was after the divorce has been responsive to the opposition and especially to women. During a press conference that Tirana's police chief, Benard Caushaj, explained that so far police have documented 16 offenses committed in Albania, but thought that...