Agim Bajko, "Mjeshtër i Madh" - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 23

Karriera e gjate artistike, rolet e shumta dhe te spikatura jo vetëm ne ish-estradën por edhe ne kinematografi, iu shpërblyen aktorit Agim Bajko. Duke marre urdhrin "Mjeshtër i Madh", Bajko, i cili prej 6 vitesh drejton ne "Vizion Plus", emisionin satirik "By Pass Show", është versuar kështu nga presidenti Bamir Topi. Vete aktori, i cili njihet për batutat e tij spontane dhe satirike, te cilat godasin përtej asaj çka dëgjohet, e ka pritur këtë vlerësim me te njëjtin humor. Pas dekorimit Presidenti Topi, deklaroi se këto vlerësime janë mjaft te rëndësishme, sidomos për një brez te tere artistesh, te cilët sipas kreut te shtetit, duhet te ishin dekoruar me herët. Agim Bajko nisi karrierën e tij qe ne vitin 1979. Vetëm disa vite pas nisjes se këtij profesioni, ne 1982 ai u vlerësua me çmimin e pare ne festivalin e teatrove për rolin e "Don Kishotit", çka e beri ato protagonist te dhjetar roleve te suksesshme. Agim Bajko bashke me emra si Marjana Kondi, Vasillaq Vangjeli apo Kosta Kamberi u kthyen ne protagonistet kryesore te një epoke te re për humorin e komedinë shqiptare.

Long artistic career, the multiple roles of prominent not only in ex-celebrities, but also in film, actor Dawn Bajko was rewarded. Taking command "Grand Master", Bajko, which runs from 6 years in "Vision Plus", a satirical show "By Pass Show" is versuar so by President Bamir Topi. Actor himself, who is known for his mot spontaneous and satirical, which hit beyond what is heard, has waited for this evaluation with the same humor. After decoration President Topi stated that these estimates are very important, especially for an entire generation of artists, who according to the head of state, should have been decorated earlier. Bajko dawn began his career since 1979. Just a few years after the departure of the profession, in 1982 he was awarded an award at the festival of theater for the role of "Don Quixote", which made ??them dhjetar protagonist roles successfully. Sunrise Bajko together with names like Mariana Condie, Costa Kamberi Vasillaq Vangjeli or returned to the main protagonist of a new era for comedy humor Albanian.

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