Vritet roja i karburantit - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 12

Krimi godet serish, këtë here pre e një sulmi me arme zjarri ka rene Aldo Vrapi, roja i një karburanti nga Paskuqani. Ne orët e para te mëngjesit te se hënës, ne zonën e njohur si "Kthesa e Kamzes" është ekzekutuar 20-vjeçari, teksa ishte duke ushtruar detyrën e tij. Burime nga policia bëjnë me dije se mbeten ende mister autoret dhe shkaqet e kësaj ngjarje te rende. Paraprakisht dyshohet se vrasja mund te ketë ndodhur pas tentativës për grabitjen e karburantit, por nuk perjashtohet ndonjë konflikt i mundshëm qe mund te ketë pasur viktima. Ne pyetje janë marre pronari i pikës se karburantit, personi me te cilin i riu kishte ndërruar turnin, si dhe familjare te tij. Gjithashtu policia do te sekuestrojë nen cilësinë e provës materiale pamjet filmike te një biznesi pranë karburantit, për te rene ne gjurmët e atentatorit. Mësohet se së bashku me 20-vjeçarin ishte edhe i vëllai, i cili ishte punëtor ne piken e karburantit, por qe ne momentin e ekzekutimit ka qene ne gjumë.

Crime strikes again, this time cut of an attack with firearms has fallen Vrapi Aldo, the guard of a fuel from Paskuqan. In the early hours of Monday morning, in the area known as "turnaround Kamzes" was executed 20-year-old, while he was exercising his duty. Police sources suggest that there are still a mystery authors and causes of this serious event. Previously suspected that the murder may have occurred after attempted robbery of fuel, but not excluded any potential conflict that may have been victims. We have received inquiries owner of the fuel point, the person with whom the youth had changed shifts, and his family. Also, police will confiscate material evidences under film footage of a business near the fuel, to track down the assassin. Learned that along with the 20-year-old was his brother who was working at the point of fuel, but that when the execution has been asleep.

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