Banoret e fshatit Çiflig te Shkupit, janë ende te tronditur nga dhuna e pashembullt e ushtruar pak dite me pare nga shtate persona me maska ne një stacion autobusi ne lagjen Kisella Vode te kryeqytetit. Vizion Plus ka vizituar te lënduarit e këtij sulmi mes te cilëve edhe vajzën 17-vjeçare Amire Sulejmani, e cila u rrah brutalisht nga agresoret. Amireja, e cila ende nuk ka hequr fashat nga plagët, ka refuzuar te flasë, ndërsa babai i saj Ymer, shpreh tronditjen për ngjarjen ndërsa kërkon me shume qëndrim te partive shqiptare ne Maqedoni. Elham Jahiu e Xhemail Ademi janë dy nxënës te tjerë te rrahur ne mënyre brutale natën e 7 marsit. Te dy i kemi takuar ne qendër te fshatin te cilët po ktheheshin ne shtëpi pas daljes nga spitali. Drejtori i agjencisë se lajmeve Ina, Suat Saqipi, i cili ka qene gazetari i vetëm shqiptare qe ka arritur te futet atë nate ne spital, nata e 7 marsit ka qene një nate e tmerrshme. Sipas tij, e gjithë kjo ka ardhur për faj e për shkak te mungesës se sigurisë ne rruge, përgjegjësinë e te cilës e mban Ministria e Brendshme maqedonase. Zoti Saqipi konfirmon se pavarësisht ngjarjes se rende me prapavije etnike, asnjë nga politikane shqiptare nuk ka vizituar te lënduarit. Te shtunën policia maqedonase njoftoi arrestimin e shtate agresoreve te cilët sulmuan te rinjtë shqiptare. Qeveria maqedonase dhe ndërkombëtaret kane dënuar këto sulme, ndërsa shtuan se po dëmtohet harmonia ndëretnike.
Residents of the village fief of Skopje, are still shocked by the unprecedented violence of the exercise a few days ago by seven people wearing masks at a bus station in the capital Kisela Vode. Vizion Plus has visited the injured in this attack among them the 17-year-old daughter Amir Suleiman, who was brutally beaten by the aggressors. Amireja, which still has not removed the bandages from his wounds, refused to speak, while her father Ymer, expressed shock at the event and requires more attitude of the Albanian parties in Macedonia. Adam Elham Xhemail Jahiu of two other students were beaten up in a brutal night of March 7. The two have met in the center of the village who were returning home after discharge from hospital. Director Ina news agency, Suat Saqipi, who was the only Albanian journalist who has managed to put the night in hospital, the night of March 7 was a terrible night. According to him, all this has come about due to fault of lack of road safety, responsibility of which keeps the Macedonian Interior Ministry. Mr. Saqipi confirms that despite severe event with ethnic background, none of the Albanian politician has visited the injured. The Macedonian police on Saturday announced the arrest of seven aggressors who attacked the Albanian youth. The Macedonian government and international condemned these attacks, and added that ethnic harmony is being damaged.