Patatet e Korçës drejt kalbjes - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 8

Ndërsa ne tregjet e qyteteve konsumatoret blejnë patatet me 60 apo 70 leke kg, ne fshatrat ku ato prodhohen, fermerët janë te gatshëm ti shesin me 18 leke, por askush nuk ua blen. 200 ton patate u kane mbetur te pashitura e po u kalben banoreve te fshatit Zvirine te Korçës, te cilët prodhojnë molle, qepe e patate si mënyrë jetese. Por nëse mollët kane arritur ti shesin, asnjë tregtar nuk ka shkuar ne fshat te marre sasitë e mëdha te patateve, kjo për shkak te bllokimit nga dëbora, por edhe te shfrytëzimit te tregut kosovar. Fermerët thonë se janë kthyer nga emigracioni për te investuar kursimet e tyre ne Shqipëri, ku përballen me këtë situate. Një pjese e prodhimit është kalbur edhe prej temperaturave te ulëta, duke i detyruar banoret te shesin me çmim nen kosto. Fshati Zvirin ka 400 shtëpi e mesatarisht çdo familje ka nga 500 kv patate te pashitura, duke i vene banoret ne vështirësi te madhe ekonomike.

While markets consumers buy potatoes cities with 60 or 70 lek kg, in the villages where they are produced, farmers are willing to sell the 18 lek, but nobody buys them. 200 tons of potatoes were have remained unsold and are inhabitants of the village was rotting Zvirine of Korca, who produce apples, onions and potatoes as a way of life. But if the apples have managed to sell, no trade has not gone to the village to obtain large quantities of potatoes, due to blockage by snow, but also to use the Kosovo market. Farmers say they have returned from emigration to invest their savings in Albania, where faced with this situation. A part of production is also decaying by low temperatures, forcing people to sell at below cost. Zvirin Village has 400 homes on average each household has from 500 quintals of unsold potatoes, putting people in great economic difficulties.