Karnavalet e Shkodres - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 8

"100 vjet pavarësi, 100 ore karnavale" me këtë moto ka çelur siparin e përvitshëm te festes se karnavaleve kryeqendra e veriut, Shkodra.
Moti i ftohte nuk ka frenuar qindra qytetare ti bashkohen festes, tashme tradicionale. Kostumet shumëngjyrëshe dhe maskat veneciane kane pushtuar mbare qytetin verior. Pjesëmarrësit kane parakaluar neper rrugët e qytetit për tu grumbulluar me pas ne qendër te tij. Organizatoret kishin përfshire ne program si koncerte me muzike te huaj ashtu edhe tradicionale. Karnavalet festohen ne Shkodër qe nga viti 1961. Aktiviteti do zgjasë për tre dite me radhe.

"100 years of independence, 100 hours of carnival" with this motto has opened the annual Triggers Off the feast of carnival capital of the north, Shkodra.
The cold weather did not deter hundreds of citizens to join the feast, traditional present. Colorful costumes and Venetian masks have occupied throughout the northern city. Participants have overtaken the city's streets to be collected later in its center. Organizers were included in the program as music concerts with both foreign and traditional. Carnival is celebrated in the South since 1961. The activity will last for three days at a time.