Boga e pushtuar nga dëbora - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 2

Te izoluar, pa sinjal telefonik e me mungese te theksuar ushqimesh e ilaçesh. Ketë tablo ndesh ne zonën e Malësisë se Madhe te izoluar prej tre javësh.
Ndonëse ne fshatrat e thelle është e pamundur te arrish pasi dëbora i kalon dy metrat, grupi i xhirimit te Vizion Plus udhëtoi drejt Boges. Pas disa orësh rruge me makine, bllokime te herëpashershme nga dëbora e afro një ore ecje ne këmbe iu afruam fshatit me 600 banore. Kjo është banesa e Dervish Cafit, familja e te cilit përbehet prej 15 anëtaresh. Familja jeton ne varfëri te skajshme. Madje një pjese e banesës është shembur gjate ditëve te fundit. Anëtaret e kësaj familje thonë se nuk kane me çfarë te ushqehen me. Deri tani ne këtë fshat nuk ka mbërritur asnjë ndihme ushqimore. Ne te njëjtat kushte janë edhe dhjetëra familje te tjera ne Boge. Ndërsa presin ndihma ushqimore nga shteti, banoret kane nisur te hapin vete rrugën deri ne qendër te fshatit.

Isolated, no telephone signal with a significant lack of food and medicines. This picture finds the Great Highland area isolated from three weeks.
While in remote villages is impossible to achieve because the snow exceeds two meters, the shooting team traveled to Boga Vision Plus. After a few hours by car road, blocking the occasional snow about an hour walking on foot approached the village with 600 inhabitants. This is the place CAFIA Dervish, whose family consists of 15 members. The family lives in extreme poverty. Even a part of the apartment is broken during the last days. Members of this family say they do not have what to eat with. So far in this village have received no food assistance. In the same conditions are also dozens of other families in Boge. While waiting for food aid from the state, people have begun to open itself the way to the village center.