Paralajmërimi i kryeministrit Berisha për te ashpërsuar masat kundër gazetareve qe shkruajnë mbi jetën private te artisteve dhe personazheve te showbizit shqiptar, ka ngjallur reagime.
Orinda Huta, këngëtare dhe prezantuese televizive, karriera apo jeta private e se cilës ka qene shpesh ne qendër te shtypit roze, shprehet se kushdo nga koleget e saj qe është ndjere i sulmuar nga këto gazeta, e ka çuar çështjen ne gjykate. Aulona Musta, kryeredaktore e një prej gazetave roze te fundjavës shprehet se është plotësisht dakord me forcimin e etikes se gazetareve ne publikimin e këtyre lajmeve, por sipas saj, personazhet e show-bizit shqiptar nuk mund te kuptohen pa lajmet qe i bëjnë ata te famshëm. Edhe pse jo mbi raportin mes gazetareve dhe artiste, vete Berisha, ne vitin 2005, kur fitoi zgjedhjet deklaroi se nga ana e administratës se tij shtetërore nuk do te ngrihen kurrë padi për shpifje ndaj gazetareve.
Premier's warning to tighten measures against journalists who write about the private lives of artists and showbiz newspaper characters of Albanian, has sparked reactions.
Orinda Huta, singer and television presenter, career or private life to which he was often in the center of the pink press, says that anyone from her colleagues who is felt attacked by this newspaper, has brought the issue to court. Aulona Musta, editor of one of the weekend newspapers said that pink is in complete agreement with the strengthening of ethics that journalists in the publication of such news, but according to her characters show-Albanian BIZI can not be understood without the news that make them famous . Although not on the relationship between journalists and artists, Berisha himself, in 2005, when he won the election declared by the administration that his government will not ever rise libel suits against journalists.