Shpërthen gripi ne vend - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Fundi i shkurtit pritet te sjelle një situate edhe me te renduar gripale ne vend duke rritur numrin e te sëmurëve me këtë virus. Vetëm javën e shkuar janë shënuar ne te gjithë vendin 22 mije raste te prekurish nga virozat e rrugëve respiratore. Sipas mjekeve, fëmijët dhe diabetiket, janë personat qe po vuajnë me shume ne këto dite te ftohta dimri. Vetëm gjate paradites se sotme ne urgjencën e pediatrisë janë paraqitur 275 persona me grip, ndërsa ne repartin e infektivit kane mbërritur afro 100 te sëmurë. Mjeket e Qendrës Spitalore Nene Tereza thonë se ne pavijonin e pediatrisë numri i te sëmurëve brenda një dite ka arritur deri ne 400 fëmijë te moshave te ndryshme.

End of February is expected to bring a heavy situation with the flu in the country by increasing the number of patients with this virus. Just last week are listed in the whole country 22 thousand cases prekurish by virosis of respiratory tract. According to doctors, children and diabetics, are people who are suffering more in these cold winter days. Only during today's morning in the pediatric emergency presented 275 people with flu, while the Department of Infections have reached nearly 100 sick. Doctors Hospital Center Mother Teresa said that in the pediatric ward of the number of patients in one day reached up to 400 children of different ages.

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