Rama: Kriminaliteti, faji i qeverise - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Duke marre shkas nga ngjarjet e ditëve te fundit, kryetari i Partisë Socialiste, Edi Rama, ka folur për rritjen e kriminalitetit ne vend, duke bere përgjegjëse qeverinë, qe sipas tij, nuk godet krimin. Ne mbledhjen e grupit parlamentar socialist, Rama ka shkuar dhe me tej, duke akuzuar drejtuesit e policisë si te lidhur me strukturat kriminale. Kryetari i PS u ndal gjate ne çështjet e krimit qe sipas tij po merr terren duke e lidhur këtë dhe me dokumentin e SHKB-se lidhur me 21 Janarin. Përpara deputeteve socialiste kryesocialisti shprehu edhe një tjetër shqetësim, atë ne lidhje me rritjen e numrit te papunëve ne vend. Duke iu referuar shifrave te 10 viteve te fundit, te marra nga raporti i fundit i BSH, Rama tha se te papunët kane kapur shifrën 1milion.

Considering the events of recent days, the chairman of the Socialist Party, Edi Rama, has spoken to the growing crime in the country, making the government accountable, which according to him, not cracking down on crime. In socialist parliamentary group meeting, Rama and went further, accusing police managers connected with criminal structures. Chairman of the SP was stopped during the crime issues that according to his taking the field by linking this with the ICS document that on January 21. Before kryesocialisti socialist deputies voiced another concern, what about the increasing number of unemployed in the country. Referring to the figures of the last 10 years, taken from the last report of the BOA, Rama said to have caught the figure of 1 million unemployed.

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