Imazhe te panjohura me pare për publikun edhe pse ne to shfaqet një nga figurat me te dashura te teatrit dhe kinemasë shqiptare, janë bere publike ne 5-vjetorin e vdekjes se Kadri Roshit. Kadri Roshi mbush këtë 6 shkurt, plot pese vjet nga ndarja e tij nga jeta, ndaj Petrit Ruka, regjisori me te cilin realizoi 14 vjet me pare dokumentarin e fundit mbi "Ali Pashe Tepelenën", zbuloi disa pjese te pamontuara, ku Roshi shfaqet ne monolog, ne prova për pjesën, apo duke peshkuar. Drita Pelinku, një prej aktoreve te brezit te tij, kolege ne shume prodhime, rrëfen se teatrit shqiptar sot i mungon kritika, duke iu referuar interpretimit te Roshit. Ne aktivitetin modest qe Teatri Kombëtar i kushtoi Kadri Roshit, i biri i tij, Kliti, u shpreh se me shume sesa babai, i mungon miku. Emra si Roza dhe Dhimiter Anagnosti, Mirush Kabashi, Piro Milkani ishin disa nga miqtë e pranishëm ne këtë përkujtimore. Kadri Roshi u nda nga jeta ne moshën 83 vjeçare dhe la pas dhjetëra role, qe kane shënjuar teatrin dhe kinemanë vendase.
Images previously unknown to the public even though we appear to one of the most beloved figures of the Albanian theater and cinema, are made ??public in the 5-th anniversary of the death of Kadri Roshi. Kadri Roshi fill this February 6, full five years of his separation from life, to Petrit Ruka, director with whom he had 14 years before the recent documentary "Ali Pasha Tepelena" unmounted found some parts where Roshi appears in monologue, on the evidence, or by fishing. Pelinku light, one of the actors of his generation, colleagues in many productions, narrated that the Albanian theater criticism today lacks, referring to Rosh interpretation. We moderate activity devoted to the National Theatre Kadri Roshi, his son, KliTi, said more than his father, the absent friend. Names like Rosa and Demetrio Anagnosti, Mirush Kabashi, Piro Milkani some friends were present at this memorial. Kadri Roshi passed away at age 83 years and left behind dozens of roles, which have marked local theater and cinema.