Rama: Presion per "21 janarin" - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 1

Kryesocialisti Edi Rama gjate vizitës ne Austri ka denoncuar presionin qe qeveria po ushtron mbi prokurorinë ne lidhje me hetimin e ngjarjes se 21 janarit.
Ne debatin "Evropa midis nesh dhe jush" te zhvilluar ne shtëpinë e bashkimit evropian ne Vjene, lideri i opozitës Rama ka shpalosur qëndrimin e tij ne lidhje me hetimet e 21 janarit. Ndërsa ka folur për programin politik te forcës qe drejton Rama ka premtuar zgjidhjen e çështjes se pronave. Rama gjate kesaj vizite ka promovuar edhe librin e tij "Kurban" si dhe ka dhene autografe.

Kryesocialisti Edi Rama during his visit to Austria has denounced the government is exerting pressure on the prosecution in connection with the investigation of the event that the 21 January.
We debate "Europe between us and them" to develop in the European Union in Vienna, opposition leader Rama has disclosed its position in relation to the investigation of 21 January. While he spoke about the political program of the force that drives Rama has promised resolving the issue of property. Rama during this visit has also promoted his book "scapegoat" and gave autographs.