Lirohet djali i Gramoz Ruçit - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 20

Ledian Ruçi, djali i kreut te grupit parlamentar te PS-se Gramoz Ruçi është liruar ne sallën e gjyqit, pasi Gjykata e Durrësit e ka cilësuar te paligjshëm arrestimin e tij. 28-vjeçari u prangos dy dite me pare ne qytetin bregdetar, pasi iu gjet ne makine një sasi prej 1.5 gramësh hashash. Avokatet mbrojtës deklaruan, se urdhri për ndalimin e Ruçit ishte planifikuar para arrestimit te tij. Edhe vete prokurori i çështjes e konsideroi te paligjshëm kontrollin e mjetit, por megjithatë kërkoi detyrim paraqitje për Ruçin, nen akuzën e prodhimit dhe shitjes se lendeve narkotike. Por kërkesa u rrezua nga gjyqtari. Javën e kaluar Ledian Ruçi u ndalua edhe një here tjetër nga blutë e qytetit bregdetar, pasi ne makine u gjet një arme sportive, autorësinë e se cilës e mbajti shoku i tij qe ndodhej me te.

Ledian Ruchi, son of the head of the parliamentary group that SP is released in Gramoz Ruchi courtroom, after Durrës Court has described the illegal arrest. Handcuffing 28-year-old two days ago in the coastal city, after being found in the car a quantity of 1.5 grams of hashish. Defense lawyers said, that the order to ban Ruchi was planned before his arrest. Even the prosecutor considered the issue of illegal control of the vehicle, but still asked for the presentation Ruchi obligation, under the charge of the production and sale of narcotic drugs. But the demand went down by the judge. Last week Ledian Ruchi was stopped once again by Blues coastal city, was found in the car after a sporting weapon, the authorship of which was held by his friend who was with him.

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