Aleanca kuqezi, kufizim mandateve - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-21 1

Aleanca kuq e zi ka propozuar kufizim te mandatit te liderëve politike ne trevat mbare shqiptare. Kryetari i saj kreshnik spahiu i ka akuzuar ata se lidhin jete gjatësinë biologjike me atë te skenës politike.
Sipas spahiut ne statutet e partive duhet te sanksionohet qe askush mos te ketë te drejte rikandidimi me shume se dy here pavarësisht ç'fare posti ka mbajtur ai. Aleanca kuq e zi ka hedhur poshtë edhe akuzat qe sipas saj i janë bere javën e fundit, duke tentuar përçarjen e kësaj iniciative, drejtuesit e saj kane deklaruar se ata nuk janë as te majte e as te djathte, por po punojnë ne interes te çështjes kombëtare, bashkimit te shqiptareve kudo qe janë.

Scuba Alliance has proposed limitation of the mandate of political leaders throughout the Albanian lands. Its chairman kreshnik spahiu has accused them of biological link with the length of life of the political scene.
According to Spahiu statutes sanctioned parties that no one should have the right not to rikandidimi more than twice despite WHAT position he held. Scuba Alliance has rejected the allegations that were made by her last week, trying disruption of this initiative, its leaders have stated that they are neither the left nor the right, but are working in the interest of the case national union of Albanians wherever they are.