10 kg heroine ne Portin e Durrësit - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-21 1

10 kg heroine janë zbuluar ne kamionin me hashash, qe u bllokua mbrëmjen e se hënës ne Portin e Durrësit. Heroina me vlere rreth 300 mije euro, ishte fshehur ne paretet anësore te kamionit. Fillimisht policia sekuestroi 200 kilogramë hashash, por me pas gjate kontrollit te imtesishem u zbulua edhe heroina. Mjeti u bllokua pak para nisjes me tragetin e linjës Durrës-Bari. Policia e qytetit bregdetar ka arrestuar deri tani vetëm shoferin e kamionit, Tushmir Lleshaj 29 vjeç nga Fushe Kruja. Sipas burimeve zyrtare i riu është vetëm transportues i lendes narkotike. Dëshmia e tij pritet te hedhe drite mbi anëtarët e rrjetit te trafikut ndërkombëtar te drogës. Nga hetimet paraprake rezulton se heroina me vlere rreth 300 mije euro është sjelle nga Maqedonia. Ndërsa hashashi është prodhuar ne malësinë e Krujës. Ky është rasti i trete brenda dy muajve te fundit qe ne portin me te madh te vendit bllokohen kamionë te mbushur me hashash dhe heroine. Ne te gjitha rastet policia ka vene ne pranga shoferet e mjeteve, ndërsa trafikantet mbeten te pazbuluar.

10 kg of heroin were discovered in the truck with hashish, which was blocked Monday night in the Port of Durres. Heroin worth about 300 thousand euros, was hidden in the truck side screens. Initially, police seized 200 kilograms of hashish, but after subtle control over the heroin was discovered. The vehicle was blocked just before the ferry departure Durres-Bari line. Coastal city police have arrested so far only the truck driver, Tushmir Llesha 29 years of Fushe Kruje. According to official sources the youngest is only transporting the narcotic substance. His testimony is expected to shed light on members of the international network of drug traffic. From preliminary investigations show that heroin is worth about 300 thousand euros is brought from Macedonia. While hashish is produced in the highlands of Kruje. This is the third within two months since the largest port in the country blocked trucks filled with hashish and heroin. In all cases the police have put in irons vehicle drivers, while traffickers remain undiscovered.