Çështja Meta, Presidenti i ri, partia e Bamir Topit këto janë çështjet kryesore qe do te dominojnë vitin politik e qe janë diskutuar ne emisionin "Debat".
Pas dhënies se pretencës se prokurorisë për ish-zv/kryeministrin Ilir Meta; analistet dhe gazetaret deklarojnë se data 16 nuk do te sjelle surpriza për kreun e LSI duke parashikuar se ai nuk do te dënohet por do te jete një moment ku do te krijohet mendimi për paanshmërinë e trupit gjykues. Tashme qe paralajmërimi i Topit për krijimin e një partie te re pas momentit te mbarimit te mandatit si president është i qarte; opinionistet ndahen nëse lëvizja e tij do te jete e suksesshme apo do te kufizohet ne një parti qe ka për qellim vetëm dëmtimin e Sali Berishës. Edhe pse zgjedhjet janë ne vitin 2013 sipas analisteve ky vit do te jete përcaktues për riformatimin e skenës politike dhe për peshën elektorale te partive si LSI, partia e Bamir Topit, Aleanca Kuq e Zi.
Meta issue, the new president, party Bamir Topi these are major issues that will dominate the political year that are discussed in the program "Debate".
After giving the prosecution ish-zv/kryeministrin pretencës Ilir Meta, analysts and journalists declare that the date 16 will not bring surprises to the head of LSI predicting that he will not be punished but a moment where thought to be formed judge's impartiality. Now that the warning of the ball to create a new party after the moment of expiration of his term as president is clear; columnist split if his movement will be successful or will be limited to a party that aims only damage Sali Berisha. Even though elections are in 2013, according to analysts this year will be determinant to reshape the political scene and the electoral weight of the parties as LSI, Bamir Ball party, Red and Black Alliance.
Meta issue, the new president, party Bamir Topi these are major issues that will dominate the political year that are discussed in the program "Debate".
After giving the prosecution ish-zv/kryeministrin pretencës Ilir Meta, analysts and journalists declare that the date 16 will not bring surprises to the head of LSI predicting that he will not be punished but a moment where thought to be formed judge's impartiality. Now that the warning of the ball to create a new party after the moment of expiration of his term as president is clear; columnist split if his movement will be successful or will be limited to a party that aims only damage Sali Berisha. Even though elections are in 2013, according to analysts this year will be determinant to reshape the political scene and the electoral weight of the parties as LSI, Bamir Ball party, Red and Black Alliance.
Meta issue, the new president, party Bamir Topi That these are major issues dominate the Political Will That year are discussed in the program "Debate".
After the prosecution ish-zv/kryeministrin GIVING pretencës Ilir Meta, analysts and journalists that 'Declare the date 16 Will not bring surprises to the head of LSI predicting T...