Publikimi i një video-përgjimi ku shfaqej ish-zëvendëskryeministri Ilir Meta sipas prokurorisë duke i kërkuar favore vartësit te tij Dritan Prifti, ishte një motiv me tepër ne duart e opozitës për te protestuar kundër qeverise, gjë qe e bënte qe pas zgjedhjeve parlamentare te 2009.
Reagimi i dhunshëm policor qe kulmoi me vrasjen e 4 protestuesve ne pasditen e ftohte te 21 janarit, krijoi një klime te ashpër politike, qe sipas analistit Mero Baze prodhoi ngjarje te tjera dhe do te trashëgohet si problematike edhe ne vitet qe vijnë. Gazetari Andi Bushati dhe botuesi Mero Baze mendojnë se viti politik 2011 nuk u mbyll me një marrëveshje mes palëve, por vetëm me një përgjegjshmëri me te larte te opozitës për proceset integruese. Ndërsa politologu Arjan Vasjari thotë se tensioni i ngjarjeve te "21 janarit", u shkarkua pas zgjedhjeve te 8 majit, kur Edi Rama me humbjen e bashkise, u kthye realisht ne krye te opozitës. Sipas Bushatit, i vetmi debat i përjashtuar ne vitin e ardhshëm politik, është ai për emrin e presidentit te republikës.
Publication of a video-surveillance which revealed former deputy prosecutor Meta by asking his subordinates favors Dritan Prifti, a motif was more in the hands of the opposition to protest against the government, which was made ??after the 2009 parliamentary elections .
Violent police reaction that culminated in the murder of four protesters in the cold afternoon of January 21, created a harsh political climate that produced by analyst Mero Baze other events and will also inherited as problematic in years to come. Andy journalist and publisher Mero Baze Bushati think that the political year 2011 was not concluded with an agreement between the parties, but only with a higher responsiveness of the opposition to integration processes. As political scientist says Arjan Vasjari pressure events "January 21", was dismissed after the election of May 8, when Edi Rama with the loss of the municipality, became the leader of the opposition really. According Bushat, excluding the only debate in the political future, he is the president of the republic's name ..