Kërkesa e ministrit te Brendshëm, Bujar Nishani, qe barra hetimore ti kaloje policisë, duket se do te mbetet vetëm ne kuadrin e deklaratave mediatike. Partia Socialiste, pa votat e se cilës një nisme e tille nuk mund te konkretizohet, është kundër ndryshimit te Kodit Penal. Deputeti i kësaj force politike, Armando Subashi shpjegon se dhënia e hetimit policisë nuk do te sillte rezultate pozitive ne zbardhjen e çështjeve, veçanërisht atyre ku është implikuar qeveria si rasti i 21 Janarit, pasi ne kushtet e Shqipërisë, nuk mund te presësh qe ekzekutivi te jete i gatshëm te hetoje vetveten. Sipas Subashit, hetimi i çështjeve dëmtohet kryesisht nga mungesa e profesionalizmit te strukturave policore te cila kane atributet e hetimit. Ministri nishani ne emisionin debat propozoi qe hetimi ti kaloje policisë për te shmangur disa problematika ne zbulueshmërinë e çështjeve.
Request of the Minister of Interior, Bujar Nishani, that burden to pass through police investigation, is likely to remain only in the context of media statements. Socialist Party, without whose votes that such an initiative can not be concretized, is against changing the Criminal Code. The deputy of the political force, Armando Subashi explains that giving the police investigation will not bring positive results in resolving issues, particularly those where the government is implicated as a case of 21 January, after the conditions of Albania, we can not expect that the executive be willing to investigate themselves. According Subashi, investigation of issues mainly damaged by lack of professionalism of the police structures which have the attributes of the investigation. Minister of Interior stated we show that the proposed debate to pass through police investigation to avoid some problems in zbulueshmërinë issues.