Liria e medias ne dekadën e fundit - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-21 1

Emisioni "Intervista" i gazetarit Alfred Peza ne "Vizion Plus" ka pasur këtë te mërkurë si protagonist një prej gazetareve me te njohur ne median shqiptare, Sokol Balla, për te analizuar problemet qe ne dekadën e fundit kane shoqëruar median.
Pas publikimit te librit "Fjala e lire sfide evropiane" gazetari Balla vëren se si kane ndryshuar sfidat me te cilat gazetaret janë përballur para vitit 1997 dhe pas këtij momenti krize. Për Sokol Ballen, media mund te ketë probleme me politikanet apo me biznesmenët, por pasojat me negative rrjedhin nga fenomene qe janë te dukshme brenda ambientit te gazetareve. Sipas gazetarit Balla, ka vetëm një kompromis qe gazetari nuk duhet ta harroje asnjëherë, i cili është raporti i drejte me te vërtetën. Ne emisionin "Intervista", gazetari Sokol Balla, duke analizuar median e viteve te fundit, ka vene ne dukje edhe arritjet e rëndësishme, duke theksuar se publiku duhet te ketë besim tek gazetaret dhe lajmet qe ata përcjellin.

Show "interview" the journalist Alfred Peza in the "Vision Plus" has been the protagonist of Wednesday as one of the most famous journalists in the Albanian media, Sokol Balla, to analyze problems in the past decade have followed the media.
After publication of the book "Free Speech European challenge" Balla notes how journalism has changed the challenges that journalists have faced before 1997 and after this moment of crisis. For Ballen Sokol, media can have problems with politicians or businessmen, but the negative consequences resulting from phenomena that are visible within the environment of journalists. According to journalist Balla, there is only a compromise that a journalist should never forget, which is the ratio of right to the truth. We show "interview", the journalist Sokol Balla, analyzing the media in recent years has highlighted the important achievements, noting that the public should have confidence in journalists and the news that they follow.