Kule akuza ministrise - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-21 0

Skema e financimit ne universitete, rikthen përplasjet mes shkollave te larta dhe Ministrisë se Arsimit. Rektori Dhori Kule akuzon ministrinë se kjo e fundit ka përjashtuar nga diskutimi me ekspertet e huaj, shkollat e larta publike.
Sipas kreut te universitetit me te madh te vetmet pale te thirrura për reformën ishin universitete private. Rektori i Tiranes ka kritikuar ashpër modelin e financimit te shkollave te larta. Një tjetër akuze e Universitetit te Tiranes ngritur ndaj ministrit te arsimit është ajo për shkeljen e ligjit për plotësimin e kuotave te mbetura bosh. Sipas rektorit kule, ministria e arsimit ka neshkleje te hapur me ligjin, kuotat e mbetura bosh ne disa nga degët me te kërkuara ua ka akorduar fakulteteve te tjera. Po ashtu rektori kule i ka bere thirrje Ministrisë se Arsimit te rrisë kuotat e transferimit te studenteve qe vijnë nga universitetet e tjera, te cilat këtë vit janë me pak se gjysma e numrit te kërkuar. Ndërkohe Ministria e Arsimit nuk ka ende një reagim ndaj akuzave te universitetit me te madh te vendit.

Scheme funding in universities, restores the clashes between high schools and the Ministry of Education. Rector Kule Dhori ministry accuses the latter is excluded from the discussion with foreign experts, public high schools.
According to the head of the university with the largest single party had called for reform of private universities. Rector of Tirana has sharply criticized the model of financing higher education. Another accusation of Tirana University up to the minister for education is a violation of law to meet the quota remaining empty. According to Rector Kule, the ministry of education has neshkleje open to law, the remaining empty quotes in some of the required branch has extended them to other faculties. Rector Kule also has urged the Ministry of Education to increase the quota of students transferring from other universities, which this year are less than half the number required. Ministry of Education While there is still a reaction to the allegations of the largest university in the country.