Kosove, opozita: Te ndërpriten bisedimet - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-21 0

Partite opozitare te kosoves kerkojne nderprerjen e bisedimeve mes prishtines dhe beogradit me arsyetimin se ato nuk jane teknike, por politike.
Kreret e ketyre partive kundershtuan njezeri keto bisedime, duke u shprehur se ato po rrezikojne territorin e kosoves. Levizja vetvendosje akuzoi qeverine e kosoves se aksioni i saj ne veri, ishte nje provokim, qe solli vendosjen e barrikadave ne pjesen veriore te kosoves dhe rrjedhimisht bisedimet per statusin e komunave veriore. Nje dite me pare edhe shefi i natos rasmussen u shpreh se zgjidhja e vetme per qyterataret e kosoves pa dallim etnie, eshte dialogu poltik mes prishtines dhe beogradit.

Kosovo opposition parties demand the suspension of talks between Pristina and Belgrade on the grounds that they are not technical but political.
The heads of these parties unanimously opposed such talks, saying that they are risking the territory of Kosovo. Self-Determination Movement accused the government of Kosovo that its action in the north, was a provocation that led to placement of barricades in northern Kosovo status talks and consequently the northern municipalities. The day before the NATO chief Rasmussen said that the only solution for Kosovo qyterataret regardless of their ethnicity, is the political dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade.