Farmacistja qe vidhte ilaçe, pa licence - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-21 5

Thellohet me tej skandali me vjedhjen e barnave ne qendren spitalore "Nene Tereza" ne Tirane. Sipas Urdhrit te Farmacisteve, Jetmira Koleci farmacistja e arrestuar per abuzim me ilaçet e spitalit eshte thjesht nje praktikante, qe nuk ka fituar ende te drejten e ushtrimit te profesionit. Nuk dihet ende si eshte punesuar Koleci ne farmacinë e Onkologjikut, pasi drejtoria e Spitalit pohon se nuk do te kete asnje reagim per sa kohe çeshtja eshte ende ne hetim. Por urdhri i farmacisteve ka denoncuar edhe keqmenaxhimin e barnave spitalore ne tendera, ku ilaçet shiten me dyfishin e çmimit real. Por as ministria e shendetesise, nuk ka pranuar te reagoje per keto akuza. Pak dite me pare zyra e krimit ekonomik ndaloi tre punonjës te shendetesise, si pjesëtarë te nje rrjeti, qe vidhte ilaçet e spitalit, per t`i shitur ato ne farmacitë përreth tij. Per dy mjeket u mor masa e sigurisë arrest me burg, ndërsa farmacistja bashkëshortja e njërit prej tyre, po hetohet ne gjendje te lire, per shkak ,se ka fëmijë te mitur, per t'u përkujdesur.

Further deepened with stealing drugs scandal Hospital Center "Mother Teresa" in Tirana. By Order of Pharmacists, Koleci Jetmira pharmacist arrested for drug abuse is simply a hospital intern, has not yet gained the right to exercise the profession. It is not known yet as is employed in pharmacy Onkologjikut Koleci after the Hospital department claims that there will be no reaction as long as the issue is still under investigation. But the order of pharmacists has also denounced the mismanagement of hospital drugs in tenders, where medicines are sold with double the real price. But neither the health ministry, refused to react to these charges. Few days ago the office of economic crime stopped three health workers, as members of a network that stole hospital medicines, for selling them in pharmacies around him. For the two doctors was taken security measures to prison custody, while the pharmacist wife of one of them, is being investigated in a free state, because that is a minor child, to care.