KFOR-i heq barrikadat, serbet i rivendosin - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-21 1

Mbetet e tensionuar situata ne veri te Kosovës nje dite pasi ushtaret e KFOR-it nisen nje aksion per heqjen e barrikadave dhe zhbllokimin e rrugeve.
Mediat ne Beograd njoftojnë se pjesëtaret e KFOR-it kane nisur mëngjesin se martës nje aksion te ri per heqjen e barrikadave ne vendkalimin kufitare te Jarinjes, ndërsa kane arrestuar dhe me pas kane liruar pese serbe, qe i kishin bere rezistence ushtareve te NATO-s. Raportohet gjithashtu se ushtaret kane perdorur gaz lotsjelles per te larguar serbet nga barrikadat. Gjithashtu pjesëtaret e KFOR-it po arrestojnë te gjitha ata personat qe po shfrytëzojnë rrugët alternative, te krijuara nga vete serbet, pasi bllokimit te rrugëve kryesore. Autoritetet njoftojnë se trupat e KFOR-it kane mundur te largojnë rerën dhe zhavorrin e hedhur ne Leposavic, ne rrugën qe te çon drejt pikës kufitare te Jarinjes, por serbet kane ngritur nje barrikada te re vetem pese metra me larg. Ne kete mënyrë situata ne veri vijon te mbetet e bllokuar, ndërsa nuk jane shënuar konfrontime gjate operacionit te fundit te ushtareve te KFOR-it per lirimin e rrugëve.

Remains tense situation in northern Kosovo a day after KFOR soldiers mounted a share for the removal of barricades and unblocking roads.
Belgrade media reports that KFOR members have begun Tuesday morning that a new action for removal of barricades in Jarinje border crossing, and have arrested and then released their five Serb, who had made ??resistance NATO soldiers . Also reported that soldiers had used tear gas to leave the Serbs from the barricades. Also members of KFOR are to arrest all those people who are using alternative routes, created from Serbia, after blocking the main road. Authorities report that KFOR troops have been unable to remove sand and gravel thrown in Leposavic, in the way that leads to the Jarinje border crossing, but the Serbs had set up a new barricades only five yards away. In this way the situation in the north continues to remain blocked, while there have been confrontations during the last operation KFOR soldiers for the release of the road.