Kur Moxart krijoi ne vitin 1791, veprën e tij Flauti Magjik, me siguri nuk e kishte menduar mënyrën sesi pjesa e famshme mund te modernizohej!
Por ja qe, ne vitin 2011 historia mistike e mbretëreshës se natës, te ciles nje tjeter mbret i rremben vajzen, eshte thjeshtuar duke u perkthyer si nje lufte mes dy prindërve te divorcuar per te bijen! Te pakten keshtu e ka pare Flautin Magjik regjisori gjerman Stefan Noigebauer, te cilin do ta ngjise ne skenen shqiptare te Operes dhe Baletit. Te përshtaturit me kohen, Noigebaur dhe Markus Majer e kane perkthyer edhe ne skenografi. Ne Flautin Magjik shqiptar, spektatori do te shohe ne skene nje shtepi te hapur, ku çdo personazh ka dhomen e tij, konkretisht nente te tilla, njesoj si shtepite e kukullave! "Flauti Magjik", ne bashkepunim me ambasaden gjermane ne Tirane, çel keshtu sezonin per Teatrin Kombetar te Operes dhe Baletit, ne 4 tetor.
When Mozart created in 1791, his work Magic Flute, probably had not thought how the famous can share modernized!
But behold, in 2011 the mystical story of the queen that night, to which the king will seize another daughter, is being translated simplified as a fight between two divorced parents to daughter! At least so has seen the Magic Flute German director Stefan Noigebauer, which will weld Albanian scene Opera and Ballet. Adjustment over time, and Markus Meyer Noigebaur have translated into scenery. We Magic Flute Albanian, spectator will see on stage an open house, where every character has his room, namely nine such, like dolls houses! "Magic Flute", in collaboration with the German Embassy in Tirana, so bloom season for the National Theatre Opera and Ballet, in October 4.