Debat per varrezat e makinave - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-21 0

Opozita ne Komisionin e Veprimtarive Prodhuese e ka quajtur nismën e qeverise per heqjen e varrezave te makinave buze rrugëve, si nje akt korruptiv.

Deputetet e majte argumentuan se drafti eshte hartuar shume shpejt dhe nuk eshte planifikuar vend tjeter per te mbledhur keto mbetje. Nga ana tjeter maxhoranca ka pranuar se procedura ka qene e shpejte dhe nevojitet pak kohe, ndersa aplikimi i ketij procesi duhet te behet me ngadale. Pak kohe me pare kryeministri Berisha kerkoi ne mbledhjen e qeverise qe te gjitha varrezat e automjeteve te spostoheshin nje kilometër larg nga rrugët nacionale.

Opposition in Productive Activities Commission has called the government's initiative to remove the car cemetery near the road, as an act of corruption.

Left MPs argued that the draft has been developed rapidly and is not scheduled elsewhere to collect the remains. On the other hand the majority has agreed that the procedure has been faster and need less time, while the application of this process should be done slowly. Some time ago in the meeting, PM Berisha demanded that all government vehicles to phase cemetery a kilometer away from the national roads.