Rama: 10 kushte për votën - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-21 0

Duke pare nje mundesi te vogel qe Shqipëria te mos humbase statusin kandidat ne 12 tetor, partia Socialiste eshte e gatshme te votoje ligjet me shumice te cilesuar por e kushtezon voten me nje pakete prej 10 kushtesh.
Kryesocialisti Edi Rama ka bere publike propozimet drejtuar mazhorances, duke shprehur gatishmërinë qe opozita te hedhe qe neser firmen mbi dokumentin konsensual. Te majtet listojnë si kushtin e pare ndryshimin e rregullore se kuvendit dhe kthimin ne gjendjen e meparshme. Me tej kerkohet qe palet te kene mbyllur deri ne mars te 2012 reformen elektorale, ndersa per zgjedhjen e 5 krereve te institucioneve te pavarura, zoti Rama tha se opozita nuk do te propozoje kandidate, por ata te jene jo politike. Nder pikat e tjera qe kushtezojne voten e opozites, eshte zbardhja e ngjarjes se 21 janarit. Zoti Rama propozoi qe drejtuesit e partive parlamentare dhe gjithe deputetet t'i drejtohen me nje leter prokurores se përgjithshme, permes se ciles pranojne se nuk do te vene nen presion kete institucion deri ne zbardhjen e plote te saj. Shefi i opozites ndau pergjegjesine per humbjen e statusit vitin e kaluar, por deklaroi se edhe mazhoranca duhet te beje te njëjtën gje.

Seeing a small possibility that Albania should not lose candidate status on 12 October, the Socialist party is ready to vote laws by qualified majority vote but with a conditional package of 10 conditions.
Kryesocialisti Edi Rama has made ??proposals to the majority public, expressing willingness to throw the opposition to the signature on the document tomorrow consensual. The left list as the first requirement that regulation change assembly and return to the previous situation. Further requested that the parties have ended up in March 2012 electoral reform, while the choice of five heads of independent institutions, Mr Rama said that opposition candidates would propose, but they not be political. Among other points that constrain the opposition vote is the bleaching event than January 21. Lord Rama suggested that leaders of all parliamentary parties and MPs with a letter addressed to the Attorney General, whereby it will not accept that putting pressure on this institution until its complete whitening. Divided opposition chief responsibility for the loss of status last year, but stated that the majority should do the same thing.