Zbardhet skema e vjedhjes se ilaçeve nga spitalet shtetërore per t'u shitur ne tregun privat te farmacive.
Policia e Tiranes ka arrestuar 3 punonjes te shendetesise pjesëtarë te rrjetit te organizuar qe mendohet se ka përmasa me te mëdha deri ne spitalet private ne vend. Nikoll dhe Jetmira Koleci e Andonaq Zili jane vene ne pranga per vjedhje te mbi 50 lloje medikamentesh me vlere disa milionë leke. Zanafilla e skemes se vjedhjes ishte te farmacistja e Spitalit Onkologjik Jetmira Koleci, e cila vidhte medikamentet e te sëmurëve e ne bashkëpunim me bashkëshortin e persona te tjere i çonte ato ne farmacitë jashte spitalit. Por personat e implikuar ne kete skeme dyshohet te jene te shumte dhe per kete arsye drejtoria e Spitalit ka nisur nje verifikim te te dhënave te medikamenteve per përdorim te brendshëm. Ndersa urdhri i mjekut ka akuzuar pikërisht drejtuesit e spitaleve si menaxhues te dobët te sistemit per shkak te emërimeve te tyre politike. Kapja e këtij rrjeti trafikantesh ilaçesh u be pas vendosjes se pullës per përdorim te brendshëm spitalor mbi ilaçe.Hetimi per trafikun e medikamenteve pritet te vijoje pasi ende nuk është e qarte se cili ishte destinacioni përfundimtar i tyre, pasi ndalimi i automjeteve qe i transportonin eshte bere gjate rruges. Madje te paqarta jane edhe shifrat. Qendra e kontrollit te barnave flet per nje dem 3 milione leke, ndersa policia ne njoftimin e saj flet per 60 mije euro.
Bleach theft scheme that drugs from state hospitals to be sold in pharmacies in the private market.
Tirana police arrested 3 members of the health workers organized network that is thought to have large proportions with up private hospitals in the country. Nicholl and Jetmira Koleci of Andonaq Zili are put in irons for theft of over 50 types of drugs worth several million lek. Genesis of theft scheme was the pharmacist's Hospital Oncology Jetmira Koleci, who stole the drugs to patients in collaboration with other persons spouse of lead them in pharmacies outside the hospital. But those involved in this scheme is suspected to be extensive and therefore the management of the hospital has begun the verification of the data for use in internal medicine. While the doctor's order has accused hospital managers exactly how poor management of the system because of their political appointments. The capture of this network smuggling drugs after setting became Knob for internal use on ilaçe.Hetimi hospital for drug traffic is expected to continue because it is still not clear what was their final destination, after stopping the vehicle that is transporting made en route. Even the figures are unclear. Drug Control Centre is about a bull 3 million lek, while police in its announcement is about 60 thousand euros.