Topalli per presidentin - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-21 0

Kryetarja e kuvendit Jozefina Topalli deklaron se nuk ka nder mend qe zgjedhjen e presidentit ta lere ne dore te opozitës.
Duke iu referuar ndryshimeve te kushtetutës ne prill te 2008, Topalli la te kuptohet se nese kreu i shtetit nuk zgjidhet ne dy raunde e para me vota te cilësuara, atëherë mazhoranca ne raundin e trete do te votoje emrin qe ajo do te përzgjedhë. Topalli shprehu keqardhje per mosvotimin e opozites ne seancën e se enjtes per ligjet qe kërkonin 3 /5 e votave. Sipas Topallit, sjellja e opozites rrezikon serish marrjen e statusit te vendit kandidat. Nje dite pare ne seancën parlamentare opozita e kushtëzoi voten per ligjet e cilësuara me nje pakete kushtesh ndaj mazhorances.

Assembly Speaker Jozefina Topalli declares that it intends to elect a president to leave in the hands of the opposition.
Referring to the constitutional amendments in April 2008, Topalli implied that if the head of state is not resolved in the first two rounds with the specific votes, the majority in the third round will vote the name that it will select. Topalli expressed regret for not voting the opposition in Thursday's session for laws that require 3 / 5 vote. According Topalli, the behavior of the opposition threatens again getting the candidate status. A first day of conditioned opposition parliamentary session to vote specific laws with a set of conditions to the majority.

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