Dollapi: Mos abuzoni me ujin - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-21 1

Sasia e ujit ne burimet qe furnizojnë kryeqytetin ka arritur ne kuota minimale, per shkak te mungeses se reshjeve qe nga muaji prill. Alarmin e ka dhene vete drejtori i Ujesjellesit Sahit Dollapi, i cili ka paralajmeruar se situata e furnizimit mund te perkeqesohet ne rast se qytetaret shperdorojne ujin e pijshem.
Dollapi i ben apel qytetareve dhe bizneseve qe te miradministrojnë ujin. Ne rast te kundert, ai paralajmëron penalitete. "Iu bej apel qytetareve qe te mos shpërdorojnë ujin. Sasia qe kemi mjafton per furnizim 24 ore me uje, por pa u shpërdoruar, ne rast te kundërt jo. Do ushtrojmë kontrolle dhe gjobat si per bizneset ashtu edhe per familjaret do te jene nga 100 mije -- ne 1 milionë leke te vjetra", ka thene Dollapi. Sipas te dhenave nga koorporata elektroenergjetike shqiptare, rajoni i Tiranes gjate ketyre 5 muajve eshte perfshire nga reshje lokale, pa intensitet dhe te shkurtra. Te mbledhura te gjitha bashke, arrijne deri ne 0.5 milimetra shi, te cilat kane pak ose aspak ndikim ne mbushjen e burimeve te Ujësjellësit.

The amount of water in springs that supply the capital has reached the minimum quota, due to lack of rainfall since April. Alarm has given himself the director of Water Sahit closet, which has warned that the supply situation may worsen if the drinking water of citizens abusing.
Closet makes appeal to citizens and businesses miradministrojnë water. Otherwise, he warns penalties. "They were appeals to citizens who do not waste water. The amount you have enough for 24 hour water supply, but not abused, if the opposite does not. Would exert checks and fines for businesses and for family members will be from 100 thousand - to 1 million old lek, "said closet. According to the Albanian Power Corporation, the region of Tirana during the last 5 months has been involved from local precipitation, with no intensity and short. Collected all together, reach up to 0.5 millimeters of rain, which have little or no influence on the filling of Water resources.

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