Grupi i prokuroreve qe po heton atentatin mafioz ndaj gjyqtarit Skerdilajd Konomi ne Vlore ka sekuestruar filmimet e te gjitha kamerave te sigurise qe dispononin objekte e institucione te ndryshme prane vendit te krimit.
Por pas zbardhjes rezulton se asnje prej tyre, nuk ka kapur momentin e shperthimit, megjithate, filmimet konsiderohen te vlefshme pasi tregojne pamjet e njerezve ne dy anet e bulevardit para dhe gjate shperthimit, ku dyshohet se mund te kene qene dhe personat qe kane komanduar shperthimin e eksplozivit me celular. Nderkohe, prokuroret kane sekuestruar gjithe dosjet qe ka gjykuar Konomi gjate punes ne gjykaten e Vlores, pasi po shqyrtohet me prioritet krimi per shkak te detyres. Paralelisht po hetohet edhe pista e konfliktit te pronesise dhe per kete jane sekuestruar dokumentacionet perkatese ne hipoteken e Durresit si dhe ne gjykaten e Larte ku kohet e fundit Konomi kishte fituar procesin per nje siperfaqe te madhe toke prane Gjirit te Lalzit. Nderkohe, sot ne gjithe vendin, proceset gjyqesore jane nderprere per afro 30 minuta ne mesdite, ne shenje proteste ndaj vrasjes se gjyqtarit.
The group of prosecutors who are investigating the mob attack against the judge in Vlora Skerdilajd Konomi footage seized all the security cameras and institutions that possessed various items at the crime scene.
But after that none of elucidating their results, it has captured the moment of explosion, however, considered valid after shots show images of people on both sides of the boulevard before and during the outbreak, which allegedly could have been and people who have controlled explosion the explosion in mobile. Meanwhile, prosecutors have seized all the files that has tried in court Konomi Work of Vlora, after being considered a priority because of the duty crime. Parallel to the track being investigated conflicts of ownership and therefore are relevant documentation seized in the Westmoreland mortgage and the High Court where he recently won Konomi process for a large area of land near the Gulf of Lalzi. Meanwhile, throughout the country today, judicial proceedings are interrupted for about 30 minutes at noon, in protest against the murder of a judge