Digjet komuna e Shales - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-21 5

Tre dite pasi Kolegji Zgjedhor shpalli fitues ne komunen Shale ne Shkoder kandidatin socialist Bal Vuksani, zyrat e komunes jane djegur krejtesisht. Sipas policise, godina eshte perfshire nga flaket ne oret e para te mengjesit te se henes, duke shkrumbuar nje pjese te madhe te dokumenteve qe ndodheshin brenda saj.
Kryetari i ri i komunes Shale, socialisti Bal Vuksani akuzon perfaqesuesit e partise Demokratike, si te perfshire ne kete ngjarje te rende. Eksperte te kriminalistikes kane arritur ne perfundimin se zjarrvenia ka qene e qellimshme dhe se po punohet per identifikimin dhe kapjen e autoreve. Procesi zgjedhor ne komunen e Shales u shoqerua me incidente mes drejtuesve lokale te partise Demokratike dhe asaj Socialiste. Madje ish-kryetari i komunes, demokrati Dede Tonaj eshte nen akuze per plagosjen e kusheririt te te zgjedhurit te ri Vuksani.

Three days after winning the Electoral College in the municipality declared in Shkodra Saddle Bal Vuksani socialist candidate, commune offices were completely burnt. According to police, the building is covered by the flames in the early hours of Monday morning, by incinerating a large part of the documents that were within it.
New Chairman of Shale commune, accusing Socialist Vuksani Bal Democratic party representatives, as involved in this serious event. Criminology experts have concluded that arson was the intentional and that we are working to identify and apprehend the offenders. The electoral process in the municipality of saddle was followed by incidents between local leaders and the Socialist Democratic Party. Even former mayor, Democrat Dede Tonaj is under indictment for wounding relative to elect new Vuksani.