Miratohet "Flamurtari sh.a." - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-21 0

Kalimi i klubit te futbollit Flamurtari ne shoqëri aksionere, kusht për te marre pjese ne kompeticione kombëtare e ndërkombëtare, ka shkaktuar përplasje ne këshillin bashkiak te Vlorës, gjate shqyrtimit te çështjes pas kthimit nga prefekti.
Këshilltari i LSI Selami qe ka kërkuar te privatizoje klubin vite me pare, ka dale kundër administrimit te Flamurtarit nga bashkia. Pavarësisht debateve, me shumice votash Keshilli Bashkiak miratoi per te dytën here kalimin e klubit te Flamurtarit ne sh.a. me aksioner bashkine Vlorë. I vetmi ndryshim krahasuar me herën e pare ishte miratimi i kapitalit prej 2 milion lekesh. Ne fund te muajit qershor, edhe pse ekipi vlonjat rrezikonte te mos merrte pjese ne turin eleminator te Europa Lige per kete çeshtje, prefekti i Vlorës Eduart Velcani rrezoi vendimin e këshilltarëve. Velcani sqaroi se kishte vërejtur shkelje te procedurave për përmbajtjen e aktit te themelimit dhe se vendimi ishte pa pjesëmarrjen e publikut te gjere. Te kontaktuar nga Vizion Plus, juriste te prefekturës thane se ky institucion do te prese vendimin dhe vetëm pas shqyrtimit te dosjes, do te vendose nëse do t'i drejtohet gjykatës.

Passing the football club Birmingham in a joint stock company, a condition for participation in national and international competitions, has caused the crash in the Vlora city council, during the examination of the case after returning from the mayor.
SMI Advisor Selami which has sought to privatize the club years ago, has brought against the city administration Flamurtari. Despite the controversy, by majority vote the City Council approved for the second time the club over the JSC Flamurtari Vlora municipality with shareholders. The only difference compared to the first time was the adoption of the capital of 2 million lek. In late June, although not jeopardize Vlora team took part in the qualifying round of the Eastern League on this matter, the Mayor of Vlora Edward Velcani overturned the decision of advisors. Velcani explained that he had observed violations of procedures for the content of the charter and that the decision was no broad public participation. Be approached by Vision Plus, the prefecture's lawyer said that this institution would expect the decision and only after reviewing the file, will decide whether to approach the court.