Donald Trump live ne Panairin e Ndërtimit - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-21 3

Nëse ju kane kuriozuar posterat me portretin e Donald Trumpit, permes nje videokonference ai do te jete i pranishem ne Panairin Nderkombetar re Ndertimit, qe zhvillohet per here te pare ne tirane. Pas bisedes me te ftuarit vip ne nje mbremje gala, ai do te shpalle çmimin per "Realestate 2001".
Multi miliarderi do te jete vetem nje nga personazhet e njohur, qe do te behen pjese e ketij panairi. Mbi 60 kompani vendase dhe te huaja qe merren me ndertim apo prodhim te materialeve te tij, do te ekspozojnë produktet dhe sherbimet e tyre ne tregun shqiptar. Nje nga përfaqësuesit e biznesit nga Bahrain thekson ne nje interviste per Vizion Plus interesin per te investuar ne Shqipëri. Panairi ndërkombëtar i ndërtimit do te mbahet nga data 6 deri ne datën 8 ne ambientet e pallatit te kongreseve ne Tirane.

If you have kuriozuar posters with the portrait of Donald Trumpit, through a videoconference that will be present in the new International Construction Fair, was held for the first time in Tirana. After talks with the VIP guests at a gala evening, he will announce the award for "RealEstate 2001."
Multi billionaire will be the only one known characters that will be part of this fair. Over 60 local and foreign companies engaged in construction or manufacture of its materials, will exhibit their products and services in the Albanian market. One business representative from Bahrain says in an interview with Vision Plus interest to invest in Albania. International Building Fair will be held from 6 to 8 date at the Palace of Congresses in Tirana.