Kamza, as fshat as qytet - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-21 1

Kamza ndodhet vetëm 7 km nga kryeqyteti me sipërfaqe 22km katror. E pozicionuar ne një pike strategjike afër aeroportit te Rinasit dhe portit te Durrësit, kjo zone ka mbi 91 mije banore, ndaj ka marre edhe statusin e një qyteti. Banoret, mes te cilëve pjesa me e madhe i përkasin migrimit te brendshëm, pas viteve '90, pohojnë se janë te kënaqur me punët qe ka bere bashkia deri tani si shtrimin e rrugëve e rikonstruktimin e shkollave. Por, problem për ta mbetet papunësia. Sipas tyre, te ardhurat qe fitojnë nuk mjaftojnë për te përballuar jetesën. Por, ne këtë qytet pothuajse brenda kryeqytetit, ajo çka te bie me shume ne sy janë emërtimet e rrugëve. Njëra quhet Sali Berisha e tjera Monte Carlo! Por, mes tyre ka edhe Lisbon, New York apo Otava edhe pse pamja qe te ofrohet nuk i ngjan aspak këtyre vendeve. E ndërsa largohesh nga qendra e Kamzes drejt rrethinave te saj, ajo çka bie ne sy janë banesat mjaft te kushtueshme. Por, karshi luksit te tyre qëndrojnë edhe detajet e një jetese ne fshat, prania e bagëtive.

Kamza located only 7 km from the capital with an area 22km square. Situated at a strategic point near the Rinas airport and the port of Durres, this area has over 91 thousand inhabitants, to have received the status of a city. Inhabitants, among whom the majority belong to internal migration, after 90s, claim they were satisfied with the work that has made ??the city so far as paving roads and reconstruction of schools. However, unemployment remains a problem for them. According to them, the income you earn is not enough to survive. But in this town almost within the capital, what to pick up more eyes are street names. One other Minister Sali Berisha called Monte Carlo! But between them there are Lisbon, New York or Ottawa, although the picture that is provided does not resemble at all these places. While away from the center of Kamza to its surroundings, what stands out are very expensive apartments. But their stand against the luxury of the details of a village life, the presence of livestock.