Vrasja e inxhinierit ne Fier - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-21 16

Ekzekutimi i inxhinierit te naftës ne Fier Koli Veshi, dyshohet se ka ndodhur për hakmarrje, pas një plagosjeje qe ka kryer i biri para 10 muajsh. Sipas policisë, djali i te ndjerit, Eni Veshi qe mbeti edhe vete i lënduar gjate atentatit, ishte shpallur ne kërkim për plagosjen e dy bashkëmoshatarëve te tij, pas një grindjeje mes tyre.
Ndërkohë, 21-vjeçari po mjekohet ne spital për plagët e marra ne ije, nen masa shume te rrepta policie. Ndërsa inxhinierit 62-vjeçar Koli Veshi i janë bere nderimet e fundit, te afërmit nuk kane pranuar te prononcohen për ngjarjen. Inxhinierit se bashku me te birin i kishin zënë prite ne hyrje te pallatit te tyre ne lagjen "8 shkurti", ne orët e vona te se mërkurës. Plumbat e pistoletës me silenciator shkaktuan vdekjen e te moshuarit dhe plagosjen e te birit. Pas dëshmisë se këtij te fundit pritet te hidhet me shume drite mbi motivet e ngjarjes qe ka tronditur Fierin. Krimi ne qytetin e Fierit ka shënuar rritje vitin e fundit, duke rikthyer pasigurinë për qytetaret. Brenda javës u masakrua ne qendër te qytetit një kambist, duke e çuar ne 10 numrin e atentateve ndaj kambisteve vetëm brenda vitit 2011.

Execution of the petroleum engineer in Koli ear Fier, allegedly occurred in retaliation after an injury to his son committed before 10 months. According to police, the son of the deceased, Eni ear that was also injured during the assassination itself, was wanted for stabbing two of his peers, after an argument between them.
Meanwhile, 21-year-old is being treated in hospital for wounds in the groin, under very strict police measures. While 62-year-old engineer Koli ear were made last respects, the relatives refused to pronounce for the event. Engineer together with the son had ambushed the entrance of their house in the neighborhood "February 8" in the late hours of Wednesday. Pistol with a silencer bullets killed the elderly and wounded his son. After this last testimony that is expected to cast more light on the motives of the event which has shaken Fier. Crime in the city of Fier increased last year by uncertainty back to the citizens. Within the week was swept in a cambist downtown, bringing to 10 the number of attacks against cambists only by 2011.

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