Minatorët rinisin protestat - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-21 0

Ashtu siç kishin paralajmëruar minatorët e Bulqizës kane rinisur protestat para zyrave te "ACR", qe ne orën shtate te mëngjesit. Pas një mbledhje Këshilli Sindikal vendosi qe protestat te vazhdojnë deri ne nisjen e sezonit te ri parlamentar, duke kërkuar qe kuvendi ta shqyrtoje çështjen e tyre qe ne seancën e pare. Ne te kundërt ata thonë se do te hyjnë ne greve urie. Edhe pse presidentja e "ACR" premtoi rritje page ne masën 20%, përmirësim te kushteve te punës dhe thellim te puseve, minatorët deklarojnë se nuk do te tërhiqen pa u nënshkruar marrëveshja zyrtare mes palëve. Minatorët kane ironizuar edhe letrën e presidentes se "ACR" Depich e cila deklaroi se do tu hiqte atyre shpenzimet e drekës se festes.

As it had warned the miners have resumed protests before Bulqiza offices "ACR", that at seven o'clock in the morning. After a meeting of trade union council decided to continue protests until the start of the new parliamentary season, looking to the assembly to consider their case since the first session. Otherwise they say they will go on hunger strike. Although President "ACR" promised wage increase in 20%, improvement of working conditions and the deepening of wells, miners declare that they will be withdrawn without official agreement was signed between the parties. Miners have a letter from the president ironizuar the "ACR" Depich which said it would cost to give them lunch feast.

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